Lyrics to Kenny Chesney song "Its the first long kiss on the second date"? ChaCha Answer: Cause its the first long kiss on the second. Lyrics : Well, me and my lady had our first big fight So I drove around till I saw the neon . 'Cause it's the first long kiss on a second date Your momma's all worried when . The Good Stuff Lyrics - Well me and my lady had our first big fight So I drove around till I . Cause it's the first long kiss on a second date Mama's all worried when you get home . Made To Love Ya Lyrics - I recall first long kiss second date lyrics when we first met a long time ago How could I . My lips to kiss ya My eyes to see ya My legs to . I remember our first date Our first arguments Our . but the lyrics you're quoting are: 'Cos it's the first long kiss on a second date. Momma's all worried when you get home late. And droppin' the ring in the spaghetti plate, Kissing. Kiss Types Kiss Meanings Places . seeing your sweet one for so long that your outings dont even seem like dates anymore. Do not stress out about the first, second or first long kiss second date lyrics third dates . Date: 2011-02-22 Label: Columbia. Artist: Emeli Sande . Keep Looking lyrics-King Of Sorrow lyrics-Kiss Of Life lyrics . Sade-Mariah Greenidge and Alicia Perkins took first and second . First Long Kiss Second Date Lyrics. Fun: First Long Kiss Second Date Lyrics. First Long Kiss Second Date Lyrics India. "'Cause it's the first long kiss on a second date Momma's all worried when you get home late . Kiss Me, Kiss Me, Kiss Me Lyrics: 26: Life Is Good Lyrics: 27: Everywhere We Go Lyrics . kissing to the very first date? . second. Kissing your companion in your initial date will go perfectly and you will
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